OpenPlant Modeler Help

AccuDraw and the Tentative Point

Creating precision offsets is a fundamental function of the design process. AccuDraw performs this important function by utilizing tentative points. These can be input manually, or you can further streamline the process using AccuSnap.

Whether you use AccuSnap or manually entered tentative points, the key to using AccuDraw and the tentative point is the Set Origin function (the <O> shortcut key-in). When there is a tentative point present, pressing the <O> key results in the relocation of the compass to the tentative point location.

AccuDraw enters a dynamic tentative point mode where you can manipulate the final data point location as follows:

  • Enter coordinate data using the AccuDraw window.
  • Use a second tentative point and various locks (X/Y or D/A) to interactively set the offset.

This latter technique is useful when you need to set an offset from two elements.